::Duniamu dan duniaku berbeza::

May 31, 2012

now,i realize!!

Salam kengkawan!!
hari ni merupakan hari yang paling stress sepanjang hidup aq,,aq x pernah rase tertekan mcm ni sebelum ni,,aq rase mcm nak menangis je..nak menjerit,,semua ade lah..
Allah je tahu betapa tertekan nye aq..
hari ni aq ade test 2 for advance calculus..aq dah study tp mase masuk jwb exam,,pale otak aq tetbe jd blurr!!mcm aq x tahu ape2 langsung..aq pon x tahu lah kenapa..aq seriusly tension ble perkara mcm ni berlaku..aq tunggu je KAWAN aq bg jawapan..lame kot aq tunggu..
sebab lame sgt menunggu,,aq pusing blakang,,nak tnye..sebab aq agak dy dah byk jwb..
then,,korang tahu ape dy ckp??
dy ckp dy pon x thu..dy tgk internet je..hai,,aq nak mrh pun ade..tp aq nak tiru kan..x kan tetbe nak mrh..
dy suruh aq tgk internet,,aq pun x thu nak cri ape kat internet..
aq makin stress,,dah lah mase dah nak hbis,,and aq x jwb langsung,,
aq nak tiru bukan nye nak bg,,pdhal aq tgk paper dy byk je yg conteng nye..ckp pnjang lah,,x sempat lah,,
ok,,aq thu laa,,but at least bg lah aq copy sikit pon jd lah,,aq memang x thu nak ckp ape time uh..bengang tu memang lah..
aq just pkir mse test 1,,kau tiru aq..aq x kisah pon nak bg tiru..semua soalan aq bg tiru..ade aku kisah time tu??aq x kisah kan..tp knape time aq mntak tiru mcm2 alasan kau bg aq??aq x phm lgsg dgn kau..
ble habis mase tu,,aq terus je hantar and terus keluar dr kelas,,aq malas dah nak care mnde tu semua..aq memang rase nak mrh je dy..tp aq pkir kau KAWAN aq,,

then,,aq trus je balik..aq x care lgsg kat korang..aq dah malas,,ble aq stress yg teramat sgt jd mcm ni lah,,aq x nk bersemuka dgn mereka2 yg buat mslah dgn aq sebab nnti aq nak mrh..so,,lebih baik aq balik terus kan..aq xde mood nak ape2 langsung,,mood study xde,,mood nak makan pon xde..

memang sial kot,,now,,i realize who are you for real..aq akan ingat smpai bebile,,sumpah aq ckp,,aq menyesal tlg kau mcm2,,dan aq jugak menyesal dpt kwn mcm kau..seriously aq ckp..
kau jgn terkejut 1 day,,kau mintak tlong dgn aq,,aq x tlong..time tu,,baru kau tahu langit tu tinggi atau rendah..

even skunk kau pape dah jarang ajak aq,,pape dgn ehem2 je,,mcm td lah,,mls nak cte lebih2!!dah laa..sampai sini je lah kot aq nak luah,,sori kalau ade yg terasa,,aq harap kau bace dan terasa.trimas,,

p/s: aku tahu meniru time exam berdosa,,tp aq  dah blurr,,aq study tp ble masuk exam aq sgt2 blurr!!x tahu nak jwb ape..
so,,aq nak copy lah sikit,,nk bg biar ade markah sikit..jgn slh fhm ye kegkawan..

aq sedang menunggu kawan yang betul-betul boleh tolong aku time aq senang dan susah,,ble kau nak muncul??tlg,,i need you by this time,,and i know you were busy with your works!!just need some times with you!!


May 27, 2012

MAI Cafe

first time p makan kat MAI Cafe,,walaupun harga nye mahal,,tp makanan nye sedap..

ni lah lokasi kami makan,,syokk siakk,,tema kedai nye klasik tp makanan western,,

air aq,,ice blended chocolate

ABC special,,

Cheesy Chicken

Menu keseluruhan aq,, Cheesy Chicken + ABC Special + Ice Blended Chocolate

makanan kawan aq,,Chicken Chop..

aq mengantuk gile mase nak balik..so,,dalam kereta aq tiduq laa,,haha
pas niy boleh laa aq p lagi..sape2 nak ikut??ajomm!!
btw,,thanx anishah belanja aq,,hehe :))
thumbs up to this restaurant!! aq bg restaurant niy 4 stars!!

May 26, 2012

Malam AKJ 2011

firstly i thought AKJ niy sgt membosankan,,tp bile 18 anugerah DPP MISC rangkul,,seronok plak..
semua anugerah is anugerah sukan,,walaupun kami semua hanya wakil naik ambil hadiah2 niy,,tp secara x langsung kami semua rasa bangga jadi warga DPP MISC..
tahniah laa pd semua yang menang..pd yg tidak menang,,mungkin belum rezeki,,cube lg next time ye,,hehe

MISC,,best bro!!

makanan nye boleh tahan laa,,huhu
licin je aq makan,,2 ketul ayam,,4 ekor udang,,

Johan bola keranjang (L) Karnival SUKUUM 2011

Johan Squasy (W) Karnival SUKUUM 2011

sebahagian daripada anugerah yang dirangkul oleh MISC,,


hasil kerja abg wan dengan raja,,haha

ni pun sama,,

terbaik SUKUUM 2012,,

ini juga,,tahniah ye,,

Geran aktiviti 

antara JKPS yang join AKJ,,

Johan tuu,,kau ade??haha

sekali lagi tahniah pada pasukan yang berjaya,,pd yg kurang bernasib baik,,cuba lagi pd masa akan datang..chaiyok2!!go MISC!!

May 23, 2012

True friend!!

A true friend wants nothing more from you than the pleasure of your company.

A friend who understands your tears is much more valuable than a lot of friends who only know your smile..

A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop. Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you're down and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend hold your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete because you need not worry. You have a forever friend, and forever has no end.

When it hurts to look back, and you're afraid to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.

Because once upon a time, we were best friends. And, yes, there's been a lot of bad stuff in between. But none of that matters right now, okay? You need me, I'm there. Any time, any place, anywhere.

A true friend... 
-Accepts you as you are
-believes in you
-calls you only to say "hello"
-doesn't give up with you
-admires all sides of your personality
-forgives your mistakes
-helps you
-encourages you to try it again
-makes a difference in your life
-says nice things about you
-offers his/her support
-understands you
-tells you the truth
-never judges you
-explains things you don't understand
-walks by your side
-calms down your fears
-shouts if necessary, if you don't want to listen
-raises you spirit.

I know i'm not a perfect friend,You're broken heart, i've tried to mend.Instead i made you hurt and cry,Maybe i should say goodbye.Would it be better for me to go?,I asked you, and you said "No".Why say no when i hurt you so bad,But believe me, you're not the only one that's sad.I made my best friend hurt like mad,If i left would you be glad?.Deep in my heart, I'll always know,I'll love you always,Even if i go!

This is my fucking friend which I used to share my fucking problems!!

Akmal!!The most Trusted friend!!

I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels, and I call them my best friends.

Anyone can make you smile or cry
But it takes someone special to make you smile
When you already have tears in your eyes


Salam semua,
Lama dah x update blog niy,,aq pon x tahu nak post ape..
aq just bosan je,,so aq decide nak update blog ni laa,,hehe

aq just nak ucap time kasih je pd kawan-kawan aq yg sentiasa ada dengan aq x kire time aq susah mahupun time aq senang,,u guys memang terbaik laa..aq sayang korang lebih laa..aq selesa bercerite problem aq kat 4 orang je kawan aq..bukan ape,,aq bukan x percaya kat yg laen,,tp aq lebih selesa beritahu dyowg laa drbgthu yg laen,,hehe

pape pun,,bukan semua masalah aq,aq citer kat dyowg,,weyh,,even aq laki skali pon,,aq x mampu kekdang nak hadapi masalah aq sorang2..so,,aq mesti cite gak kat seseorang..seua laki pon same je,,kawan2 aq yg lagi 4 orang tu pon same je,,aq cte kat dyowg n dyowg pon akan cte kat aq gak,,

aq ni jenis baik je dgn semua orang..kalau nak p makan,,aq p je ngan sape2..kekdng aq p makn ngan course mate aq,,kekdg aq p mkn ngn kwn mtrik,,n ramai lg laa..tp kenapa perlu smpai ade yg nk terasa hati dgn aq kalau aq x p makan ngn dy,,nak ckp aq bukan geng kau laa bagai..hey,,bukan kau sorang je kawan aq,,ramai kot kawan aq,,maaf ye kawan kalau kau terasa dengan aq..

aq bukan nye x nk mkn ngan kau,,tp sekali sekale laa ye,,kekdg kwn yg laen ajk aq p makan jugak,,x kan laa aq nak tolak kan..kite kena laa berkawan ramai2,,baru syok hidup ni,,

lupe nak bgthu,,jenis kawan yg aq x suke..aq x suke kawan yang suke berkawan ngan kite untuk kepentingan dy je,,aq jugak cukup pantang berkawan dengan kawan yg pandang pd paras rupa n harta kite,,semua tu x tolong pon kite mase kite mati nanti..kite mati nanti amalan yg akan tolong kite,,
kalau kau berkwan atas dasr niy semua,,jgn harap nnti bile kau susah akan ade org tolong kau,,

aq nak ucap ribuan terima kasih pada kawan-kawan aku yang banyak tolong aku tak kira ape pon yang aku buat kat korang.korang memang best laa weyh,,sayang sgt korang..especially kawan-kawan baik aku,,aku tak nak lose korang as kawan aku,,kalau ade something yang aq buat,buat kau terasa atau pape je laa,,aq nak mintak maaf ye..aku hanya manusia biasa yang xlari dari melakukan kesilapan,,kite bukan maksum,,kte semua sama,,

sori kalau entri ni mengarut ye,,x tahu ank update ape dah,,haha

persahabatan yang diingini semua,,hanya kematian yang akan memisahkan kite,, :)